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We've created the following How to guides to using Memorize·It. If you don't find what you are looking for here, it is probably in the manual. If you have ideas for other how to topics, or questions, please e-mail us.

Creating Categories
Using Subjects
Importing flashcards with RTF

Category Quick Start

Categories are very important and should be created for each deck. This allows having multiple categories within each file and creates a simple filing system, e.g., Chapter 1, Chapter 2, or Multiplication Table 1x, Multiplication Table 2x, or Spanish 1 – Living Room, Spanish 1 – Kitchen, etc.

You can create, edit (change) or remove the categories under Deck\Edit Categories. The Edit Categories Window shows Card Categories, with a rectangular box under it, and any created categories will be in the box. You will also see four buttons: New, Edit, Delete and Ok. To create a category, press the New button, and beside Category Name type in your category. Press the Ok button and you should see your category in the rectangular box under Card Categories. You can create many categories. If you want to edit (change) one of the created categories, highlight the category you want changed, press the Edit button, then make the change, and press Ok. If you want to delete one of the categories, highlight the category you want deleted, and press Delete.

You can assign categories to deck cards in two ways:

1.As you create a card (or edit a card) in the Edit Window by clicking on the Title button. This brings up the Card Information Window where you can title the card, and add or change a category.
2.You can also change one card category, or multiple card categories, by highlighting the card titles you want to change, then go to Deck\Set Categories.

Subject Quick Start

You will be given a choice to add a Subject to a deck when you save the file. If you give a deck a subject, you can later open multiple decks simultaneously with the File\Browse Decks menu item. You then can choose between subjects, categories and card titles.

To effectively use the Multi-Deck Browser, you have to customize your interaction with Memorize·It. To change which folders are included in the “browse decks,” you select File\Preferences and type the path to the folder in the “Browser Search Path.” For example, if you had two folders with cards: C:\memorize\spanish and C:\memorize\french, you could browse both subjects by using the Browse Search Path of: C:\memorize\spanish;C:\memorize\french. Just remember you have to separate each folder with the “;”. All the decks in each folder listed will be included in the File\Browse Decks menu item.

Rich Text Format (RTF) Quick Start

All major word processing applications now support Rich Text Format (RTF) which is a textual description of a word processing file. Memorize·It does not support all RTF keywords, just the ones that are relevant in creating flashcards. The main reason to use RTF is to take advantage of the formatted text, with multiple type fonts, which can be imported into the flashcards. All RTF identifiers (key words) can be reviewed under Rich Text Format (RTF) Documentation.

The RTF identifiers are easy to use. The following import RTF file was created to show a typical example. It should be noted that all items in parenthesis are used as helpful information for the beginner and should not be used in an import file.

#newcat (Text line after this defines a new category)
Multiplication Tables
#newcatnum120 (Category “Multiplication Tables” is set with new category number 120)
#newcat (Text line after this defines a new category)
U. S. History
#newcatnum121 (Category “U. S. History” is set with new category number 121)
#setcat120 (All cards after this will be placed in 120 category “Multiplication Tables”)
#ti (Text line after this is the first card title)
#fr (The six text lines after this is the front of the first card)
#mcd (Back of first card, multiple choice type card, answer “d”)
#ti (Text line after this is the second card title)
#fr (The text line after this is the front of the second card)
Does 6x4=28?
#tff (Back of second card, true or false type card, answer “false”)
#wh (Text line after this goes on the “Why Card” - explains why second card answer was false)
#ti (Text line after this is the third card title)
Mark Twain
#setcat121 (All cards after this will be placed in 121 category “U. S. History”)
#fr (The six text lines after this is the front of the third card)
What was Mart Twain’s real name?
a)Samuel Adams
b)Samuel Langhorne Clemens
c)Samuel Clemens
d)Adam Richard Clemens
e)Samuel Albert Clemens
#mcb (Back of third card, multiple choice type card, answer “b”)
#ti (Text line after this is the fourth card title)
Charles Lindbergh
#fr (The text line after this is the front of the fourth card)
Type-in the last name of the person who flew the Spirit of St. Louis. Type case sensitive.
#ty (Back of fourth card, type-in type card, answer “Lindbergh”)

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